Cultural Attachés

Cultural Attachés are assigned to diplomatic missions abroad and fall under the jurisdiction of the office of His Excellency the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Cultural Attaches are charged with carrying out the following tasks:

  • Contacting universities, colleges, research centers and faculty members abroad in order to find the best enrollment opportunities
  • If required, making arrangements for Omani students who plan to study abroad to enroll in language courses at appropriate language centers charging reasonable tuition fees;
  • Paying tuition fees to higher education institutions where Omani scholarship students are enrolled;
  • Paying certain other allowances for Omani scholarship students studying abroad;
  • Seeking for opportunities to obtain grants and/or scholarships for Omani students abroad
  • Regular following up on the progress made by Omani scholarship students and advising students to enroll in areas of study compatible with their capacities and aptitudes
  • Preparing periodical reports on the academic status of students, their study circumstances and their progress.
  • To provide students abroad with best possible living conditions; Reception upon arrival and transport; Medical care and Appropriate accommodation on first arrival, if necessary
  • Maintaining student records; and, Guidance as needed, on behalf of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
  • To meet with Omani students abroad on a regular basis and To organise seminars, cultural meetings, art exhibitions and social gatherings; and to invite students abroad to such events in order to maintain relations with the students, as well as to encourage relations among all Omani students studying in a given country;
  • To provide the Directorate-General of Scholarships, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, with periodic statistics about Omani students studying in the country where the Attaché is located; and, upon completion of their studies, to send copies of students’ certificates to the Ministry;
  • To prepare, an estimated operational budget for the Attaché office and budgets for student allowances and  various expenses in coordination with the Directorate-General of Administration and Financial Affairs, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
  • To make provisional preparations, such as advertising and the recruitment of competent personnel abroad, to ensure that Omani educational administrative staff hire the best qualified local personnel; and, if necessary, assisting with the contractual or secondment arrangements; and,
  • Preparing quarterly reports on the status of work with respect to administrative and financial issues and difficulties the attaché might have encountered; such as, student problems and measures taken to tackle these problems.

Cultural Attachés Offices:

Omani Cultural Attaché in London - UK



Dr. Abeer Ali Awadh


0207 8383826



Oman  Embassy, London

34 Sackville St

2nd Floor








Omani Cultural Attache in Washington- USA



Dr Asia’ Al-Lamki

Tel. 571-722-0000
Fax 571-722-0001
Address. Cultural division
Old Courthouse Rd Suite130 Vienna, VA 22182 USA


Omani Cultural Attache in Melbourne - Australia



Dr.Hamd bin Hmoud Al-Hajri

Tel. 0061398204096 - 0061398204098
Fax a0061398204076
Address. P.O.Box:7174,Melbourne 8004, Australia